Darjeling Height, Suryabinayak-1, Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur
This house is located at a prime location of Suryabinayak-1,Darjeling Height,Bhaktapur. It is only 10 Minutes walking distance from Suryabinayak Chowk ( Aaraniko Highway ) and near from Ganeshstan Mandir. The house has a road access of 30 Feet Pitch.
24 hrs Electricity,Water ( Government Line ), Drainge,Solar,Internet,Cable connection facilities avilable.
School,College,Hospital,,Police Station is also near to this location.
Floors Description:
Under Ground Floor :1-Room and 1-Garage
1st Floor : 2-Shutter,1- Bedroon and ,1-Bathroom
2nd Floor: 2- Bedroom, 1- Room,and 1- Bathroom
Top Floor : 1-Bedroom,1-Kitchen and 1- Bathroom.