Near Green Hill City, Tikathali, Lalitpur, Lalitpur
1 Storey Under Construction house with 3 Aana 3 Paisa Land is for sale at Tikathali, Near Green hill City,Lalitpur. Which is situated at a peaceful location of Tikathali, It is only 3 Kilometers from Gwarko Chowk ( Ring Road ), 220 Meters far from Tikathali Pani tyanki, and only 50 Meters inside from Lubu Highway.
The House has a Road Access of 13 feet, and open front area with big field.
In addition to the rooms mentioned above, there is 1 Bedroom with attached bathroom,1 kitchen and 1 living room in the house.
Facilities like 24 hours of water, electricity, internet, cable connection, etc are available.
This house also has a 18,000 liters capacity of reserve tank.
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