Sapatar, Kapan, Chunikhel, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Trust is located at Kapan, Chunikhel, Sapatar of Kathmandu District, just 1 Kilometer from Karuna Hospital.
The total area of this house is 3 Aana.
Facing Direction: North-West.
Road Access: 13 Feet Wide road.
The Trust has 4 bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, and 1 bathroom.
School, college, and Hospital are near the house.
The total price for Trust is 90 lakhs ( Negotiable ).
The Trust features a beautiful peaceful environment.
Finance Facilities Available.
Electricity, Water, Drainage, etc facilities are available.
Milan Chowk, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13290
Near Salik Chowk, Syuchatar, Nagarjun Municipality- 10, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13277
Jyoti Marga, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13276