Sarkaridhara, Samakhusi, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
The apartment is in Kathmandu metropolitan city ward no 26, Sarkaridhara of Kathmandu district. Which is opposite of Canvas Basanta Ritu School.
The Total area of the land is 3 Aana 2 Paisa.
The Apartment is situated in front of a 22-feet wide pitched road.
Facing Direction: East.
Common Facilities like water, electricity,Drainage etc are available.
The Apartment is suitable for residential purposes.
It is Priced at 85 lakhs.
Reserved Water Tank: 17000 Liters.
Floors Description: 1st Floor:
1- Bedroom, 1- Living, 1- Kitchen, and 1- Bathroom.
Milan Chowk, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13290
Near Salik Chowk, Syuchatar, Nagarjun Municipality- 10, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13277
Jyoti Marga, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13276