Near Ward Office, Salkha , Shankharapur-08, Kathmandu
The land is located at Salkha Shankharapur-08 of Kathmandu district, which is situated near Ward office and is at 5 minute distance in bike from Gagalphedi buspark.
2 plots of land available with area 4 aana 1 paisa 2 daam and 4 aana 2 daam.
Land is 1 block inside from 20 feet wide road infront of 13 feet wide road.
Facing Direction of the land is towards west direction.
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and Lalitpur all three districts can be seen from the land.
The land is Suitable for Residential purposes.
The price range of this land is 12 lakhs per aana.
Facilities like Water, Electricity, etc are available.
Jwaladevi, Machhegaun, Kirtipur Municipality- 4, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13296
Near Chapali Ghumti, Pasikot, Budhanilkantha-4, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13286
Jhor, Tokha-1, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13283