Near Sanagaun Bhatbhateni, Tikathali, Mahalaxmi-5, Lalitpur
The total land area of this bungalow is 4 Aana 2 Paisa 2 Daam.
Facing Direction: South - West
Earthquake Resistance by Double Tie-Beam, 12/12 Pillars with 16 MM & 20 MM Iron.
Very beautiful and peacful localities environment, local transportation facilities,
Efficient Parking Space for 2 Car and 6 Bikes
Availibility of Supplies Water.
Separated Flat system.
12,000 Ltr. Underground Water Reserve Tank.
2000 Ltr. Overhead Tank,
Solar Installation of 300 Ltr.
Parqueting in Living & Study Room.
Granite/Tiles Flooring in Every Area.
Wooden Staircase in inside Living.
Attractive Bar Port with LED Light.
New Design Metal Railling in Baranda.
Semi Moduler Kitchen with Chemney and TV Cabinet.
Readymade Doors.
Under Staircase Mini Storage.
Gardening Area in Terrace.
Farming Area in Kausi.
Branded Toiletries.
External Toilet.
Sheds for Car & Vehicle.
Rent income:17.5 K per month from ground floor.
It is Priced at 3 Crore and 60 lakhs (Negotiable).
Floors Description:
Ground Floor (Double Flat System): Bedroom with Attached Bathroom - 1 Kitchen - 1 Separate Terrace - 1 -Bedroom - 1 Living Room - 1 Kitchen - 1 Separate Bathroom - 1 Store Room -1.
First Floor: Bedroom - 2, Child Study Room - 1, Master Bedroom with Attached Bathroom - 1, Open Looby - 1, ( 11/17ft. ) Common Restroom - 1,
Top Floor: Small Guest Room - 1, Kitchen - 1, Dinning - 1, Store - 1, Common Bathroom - 1, Washing Machine Port - 1, Puja Room - 1, Seprate Terrace - 1.
Golbhatta , Imadol, Mahalaxmi-4, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13281
Near Buspark, Changathali, Mahalaxmi-7, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13268
Near CCRC College, Imadol, Mahalaxmi Municipality, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13225