Balkumari Kharibot, Imadol, Lalitpur, Lalitpur
The Total Area of the land is 4 aana.
Road Access: 24 feet wide road.
The land has a 2-storey building where the ground floor has 1 Washing center, vegetable shop, 1 worker room, and 1 Bathroom.
There is a Restaurant built on the top floor which has space for 20 people, 1 kitchen with counter, 1 Bar, 1 Bedroom, Showcase, Fridge, CCTV, etc.
The car for sale is a 2015 model Ford Ecosport.
The Monthly rent of the property is 20 thousand.
The Price for the car is 20 Lakhs.
The Total price of the property is 16 lakhs.
Common Facilities like water, electricity, drainage, etc are available.
Near Lankuri Bhanjyang Chowk, Lankuri Bhanjyang, Mahalaxmi-10, Lalitpur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13273
Jharuwarashi, Godawari, Lalitpur, Lalitpur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13263
Kitini, Godawari, Lalitpur, Lalitpur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13226