Near Ganesh Seconday School, Sipadol, Sipadol-8, Bhaktapur
The Total Area of the land is 3 aana and 3 Daam.
The Facing Direction of the land is towards the East.
Road Access: 20 feet wide road.
The land is suitable for residential purposes
The Total Price of the land is 1 crore and 5 lakhs.
Common Facilities like water, electricity, drainage etc are available.
Khadka Gaun, Gundu, Suryabinayak-4, Bhaktapur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13293
Height, Katunje, Suryabinayak 05, Bhaktapur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13275
Near Kathmandu Cancer Center, Tathali, Bhaktapur, Bhaktapur
Category: Land
Property ID: 13217