Near Baba Petrol Pump Opposite of BhatBhateni, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
The total area of this land is 3.5 Aana.
Road Access:13 feet wide.
Facing Direction of this Land is towards East-North.
The land is suitable for both residential and commercial purposes.
The land has High-demand for land lease and land rent.
Building a complex on this Land will easily fetch shops, offices, and even warehouses.
The land is commercial, close to Kalanki, high proximity to Bhat-bhateni, Malpot office, Kalanki Chowk, Schools and Hospitals, and Highway.
The land is plain and at a far and safe distance from the river.
The land is priced at 45 lakhs Per aana.
Common Facilities like water Supply, electricity, Drainage, Well, etc are available.
Near Kalika Petrol Pump, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13257
Near Fedi Buspark, Jitpur Fedi, Tarkeshwor-3, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13198
Near Taudaha Pokhari, Taudaha, Kirtipur Municipality-6, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13174