Near Mahadev Than Mandir, Chalnakhel, Dakshinkali Municipality-1, Kathmandu
The Total Area of the land is 8 Aana.
The Facing Direction of the land is South-West.
Road Access: 13 feet wide road access is available.
The land is suitable for residential purposes
The land Kitta number is 474.
This Land is nearby the planning.
The Price of the land is 5 lakh 50 Thousand per aana .
Common Facilities like water, electricity, etc are available.
Jwaladevi, Machhegaun, Kirtipur Municipality- 4, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13296
Near Chapali Ghumti, Pasikot, Budhanilkantha-4, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13286
Jhor, Tokha-1, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: Land
Property ID: 13283