Sunrise Height, Raniban, Nagarjun-01, Kathmandu
The House is located at Sunrise Height of Raniban in Naganjun Municipality ward no.1 which is just 2 km outside Ring-Road(Dhungedhara Chowk).
The total area of this house is 4 Aana 1 Paisa.
Road Access: Just 1 block inside 16 feet wide road.
Infront of 13 feet wide road.
Facing Direction: South.
Wood railing and Grenite on the Stairs.
The main door of the house is carving door.
False ceiling on the Kitchen of 1st floor of the Building.
Tiles on the parking area, Balcony and Roof of the building.
Modular Kitchen set on the every floor of the Building
Reserved Water Tank: 17000 Liters.
Government water supply.
Solar Water Heater.
Modern design built and finishing.
House has been price at a reasonable price of 2 Crores 89 Lakhs.
24 hrs of Electricity, Water, Drainage etc. facilities are available.
Ground Floor: 2- Bedrooms, 1- Kitchen, and 1- Bathroom.
First Floor: 1- Master Bedrooms with attached bathroom, 2- Bedroom, 1- Kitchen, and 1- Bathroom.
Top Floor: 2- Bedrooms, 1- Kitchen cum Dining and 1- Bathroom.
Roof Top: 1- Bedroom, and 1- Bathroom.
Milan Chowk, Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13290
Near Salik Chowk, Syuchatar, Nagarjun Municipality- 10, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13277
Jyoti Marga, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Kathmandu
Category: House
Property ID: 13276