Changathali Tole Sudar Samiti B-Block, Changathali Height, Mahalaxmi-07, Tikathali, Lalitpur
The total area of this house is 4 Aana/ 123.95 square meters.
Facing Direction: South-East.
Road Access: 50 Meters inside 24 feet wide road(Changathali Club-Lubhu road).
In front of 13 feet pitch wide road(toward the east) and 11 feet block wide road(toward the south).
The house map has been passed for 2.5 Storey.
Steel railing and Marble on the Stairs.
The false ceiling in the living room of the top floor.
One shutter(9*13) has been built outside the house where one shop is being operated and can be used as parking in the future.
Reserved Water Tank: 12000 Liters.
Government Water supply.
It is Priced at 1 crore and 75 lakhs.
24 hrs of Electricity, Water(well), Drainage, etc. facilities are available.
Ground Floor: 1- Living, 2- Bedroom, 1- Kitchen, and 1- Bathroom.
Top Floor: 1- Big Bedroom.
Golbhatta , Imadol, Mahalaxmi-4, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13281
Near Buspark, Changathali, Mahalaxmi-7, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13268
Near CCRC College, Imadol, Mahalaxmi Municipality, Lalitpur
Category: House
Property ID: 13225