Near Bhupu Sainik Chautari, Nayabazar, Pokhara, Kaski
The total area of Space is 2100 sq.ft each on the first, second and third floors.
The partition can be done in the own way.
Best Suitable for Banks, finance, Co-operatives, NGOs, INGOs, and any other Institutions.
Sufficient Parking Space.
The rent of space is priced at Rs 80 sq.ft. on the ground floor, Rs 60 on the First floor and Rs 50 on the second floor per month.
The bathroom on all floors.
Rent for 1 month should be paid in advance.
Infront of Main Highway, Newroad, Pokhara, Kaski
Category: Office
Property ID: 11644
Near Sajha Petrol Pump, Buddha Chowk, Pokhara, Kaski
Category: Office
Property ID: 11513
Infront of Lamachaur Road, Bagar-01, Pokhara, Kaski
Category: Office
Property ID: 11281