near Korean college, Sitapakha Height, Imadol, Lalitpur
House is situated at Sitapakha Height, Imadol in Mahalaxmi Municipality of Lalitpur District. House is located at a distance of 70 meters from Korean College, 2 KMs from Gwarko (Ring Road) and 2.5 KMs from Satdobato (Ring Road).
Special Features of House are as follows:
Road Access: 13 feet wide road.
Total Area is 2 Aana 2 Paisa.
Facing Direction is towards the East.
False Ceiling.
Modular Kitchen.
11,000 Litres of a reserved water tank.
House has priced at 1 crore 50 lakhs.
Modern design bulbs and finishing.
24 hrs Electricity, Water, Internet Connection facilities available.