Why all the parties in Nepal are worthless?
The present political situation of Nepal, still, it takes time to go forward for the betterment of the people and the nation, because there is a fraction in each and every political parties. Having 2/3 majority's government also is not able to gear up the speed of development as well as to erase the unwanted events in the nation. There's big open corruption. It seems that there's a competition of corruption and all are participating actively to wins the age, no one has fear of law and order. How long to wait for humble Nepalese people for the peace, prosperity and contemporary development, does anyone have any idea?
The present constitution of Nepal and political achievement is seen as the pearls before swine. Swine doesn't know the worth of pearls. Thus the right person must be there to handle the pearls. So is the power and pelf of Nepal. A good leader with sound knowledge and farsighted vision can change every sector where he steps. The foremost thing that Nepal needs is the honesty and sincerity of the concerned authority who is leading the nation or institution. If an institution gets the right person to lead, it can change a lot and helps to provide justice to its consumers and organization. But the hired persons who don't have any ideas can do nothing but can defame the system and the persons who appointed him. Thus, justice must be pervasive in every corner of Nepal.
It's because he doesn't know how to change, where to change and why to change. If he has vision and dedication to change the status of people he begins from him and shows others how the progress takes place. The present necessity of Nepal is to change the education system, create jobs in Nepal for the youths, run the industries, bring revolution in agriculture, change the mentality and develop the feeling of work is worship. Everyone has to accept that any type of work is for earning and living. Every work is interrelated. They are complementary to each other. Therefore, everyone has to respect every work whether it is mental or physical or official or of labors and so on. If there are changes in the mentality of the authority, there will be changes in Nepal and Nepal can be one of the developed countries and be the most wished to visit the nation of the world.
Corruption is a way of life in Nepal. It is a by-product of a system that is power-driven. Our society respects power, not excellence or integrity. If we want Nepal to be rich, we have to value excellence and honesty first. This is where a reset, a re-prioritization of something very core to society is required. This core is our value.
I never vote because all the parties in Nepal are worthless, corrupted doing nothing for our country still waiting for a candidate whom I can believe. Most of the peoples were corrupted in their own business.
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Published on 19, January 2020 by Sandip Adhikari