After reaching a certain age, you realize that you can solve most of the problems that arise in your house, automobile or garden with the help of a few tools and essential skills. It not only makes you independent but also saves you quite a bit of money that you can invest elsewhere.

Here are the most useful tools that every homeowner needs:



1. Screwdrivers:

From screwing a nail into the wall to disassembling any variety of electronics, screwdrivers make the job easier. A loose screw on a table is just a small problem but can make the whole thing annoying. You can fix it with the help of a screwdriver. We suggest buying a screwdriver with a magnetic tip that can hold a screw while taking it out of a narrow hole.


2. Brushes and Rollers:

After years of exposure to the sun and dust, the color of the house or the room no longer remain astonishing. It is boring. As a solution, spice things up for a painting journey, own brushes, rollers, and other required materials. You might not be able to get the professional finishing that a pro would get, but still, when you’re in a budget, a little DIY painting will work wonders.


3. Drill Machine:

Trying to hammer a nail into a solid wall will most often result in a mess. With the help of a drill machine, you can easily poke holes, big or small, to the nooks and corners of a room with ease. You will regret not buying it earlier once you use it.


4. Measuring Tape:

Imagine, you need a new carpet but have no idea about taking measurements. Now, you can try to measure the whole floor with your arm and end up with either too long or too short carpet later or, with the help of an accurate measuring tape, get the exact inch-to-inch calculation and replace the complete carpet without any error. Go for a rigid, non-bending tape for the best measurements.


5. Flashlights

Living in a country that faces unexpected power cuts and not owning a flashlight is inevitable. You must always have a flashlight fully charged at an arm’s length to avoid accidents in the dark. If you do not have the budget to install an inverter, you can make use of portable flashlights in different rooms as a backup.


6. Pliers

Pliers and screwdrivers work hand-in-hand. You can cut, grip, twist, turn or even use it as a hammer. Pliers are one of the most versatile DIY tools and incredibly handy in times of need.


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Published on 21, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya