In a previous article, we presented you ways to take better pictures of your property that directly influence the number of clicks that your listing will get. Today’s article focuses on avoiding common mistakes that homeowners make in this regard.

1. Angled Picture:

Even a slight inch difference can make the photograph of any property worst. We find landscape view more pleasing than the upright picture. Therefore, you must click the picture accordingly. For example, when clicking the photograph of the house, the roof must be parallel to the ground to avoid the mistake.


2. Closed Doors

When taking a picture of a room from the outside, it is common sense to keep all of the doors open as if welcoming the viewer to visit the room. Make sure every picture gives a positive vibe to the viewer and doesn’t threaten them on any level.


3. Distracting Filters

You’re taking a picture of a house, not a selfie. Keep your impulses in check and avoid filters that might alter the actual colours of your property. The viewer might feel deceived and not trust you with their investment.


4. Overexposing Weak Spots

While it is wise to let the buyer know the weak spots such as architectural or plumbing blunders in the house, overdoing it by posting an excessive number of the picture can also turn off the potential buyer.


5. Low-Light Pictures

A good photographer might be able to get a delightful picture of a night-lit home, but attempting to do so yourself might not be a good idea. The best time to take pictures is at noon on a sunny day.


Other tips that might come in handy are making sure you declutter every room before taking pictures. Even a minor thing such as a picture of a house that has clothes hanging on a wire can be the reason why your home doesn’t get any views.

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Published on 19, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya