Space seems to be one of those things that keep filling without us knowing and in no time, we’re left wondering where all the free space went. On a serious note, some people have to utilize a room that is actually small to meet their never-ending needs.

Here are some ways to make a small room look bigger than it really is:

1. Paint

Using neutral colours like white can make even a small room give a spacey vibe. It is easy on the eyes and creates the illusion of space that isn’t even there. You can use a combination different colours, bold and neutral to get similar effect as well.

2. Natural Light

Having big windows is another way of expanding your room without physically adding anything to it. The presence of natural light from the sun with a beautiful view of your compound can make a room feel less claustrophobic.

3. Keep the Fundamentals

When space is your main priority, you might want to consider keeping only the fundamentals such as a bed and a small workspace and toss the rest. You can also have a cupboard at the top of the room, it serves the purpose while not getting in the way of anything.

4. Multi-Purpose Furniture

You can also use multi-purpose furniture like a sofa that turns into a bed and accomplish two things at once (at different times of the day, obviously).  Having to manually switching from one object to another might be time consuming but it’s still better than having to sacrifice a big chunk of space.

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Published on 10, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya