Not all of us have more land than we can spare but for those of us who do, we can’t help but wonder if we’re utilizing the space to its full capacity. While events like family gatherings and festivals often require such spaces, rest of the time they’re left idle. Here are some tips to get the most out of your unused land:
1. Start a Business
If you’ve always wanted to start a business of your own, this is the perfect time to do so and by saving rent at the same time. It doesn’t have to be a large scale business – just start a corner-store or nursery or a liquor store or any type of small scale business that you can assign someone else to look at.
2. Farming
With the amount of harmful pesticides that is used in groceries these days, you might as well start farming and save a lot of finances by growing vegetables or fruits by yourself, for yourself. Take some help from people in your neighbourhood who have done so themselves and get started in the independent life of a farmer.
3. Lease
You can always lease your property and earn extra revenue without having to invest anything in someone else’s business. However, make sure the tenant will not disturb your daily life since businesses like furniture require a lot of noise to be made and an equal amount of waste to litter everywhere.
If you are interested to advertise your land for leasing, feel free to give us a call at 01-4107251 or 9851204778.
No of views: 3411
Published on 09, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya