As the famous saying goes, 'हुने बिरुवाको चिल्लो पात', real estate is no exception. At eProperty Nepal, we have hundreds of properties for sale and the moment we take a listing, we can roughly estimate how long it will take for it to sell in the market. While there are few exceptions to the characteristics of a good listing, these are the most fundamental characteristics that determine how fast the house will sell:
1. Price
This point seems to be recurring in almost every blog but it is so because there is no factor more crucial than the pricing of a house. If any kind of real estate is priced right and the potential buyers feel it is worthy of the price tag then it will easily sell in the market because there are always buyers and sellers looking at a reasonable price for a house.
2. Elaborative Pictures
We see many sellers skimp on uploading pictures. Any potential buyer will want to see the entirety of your house from bathrooms to bedrooms. A good listing usually has above 10 pictures which almost give the viewer a feeling that they’re having a virtual tour of the house themselves.
3. Size
In places like Kathmandu where real estate is rather expensive compared to other districts of Nepal, people have less to spend when buying a house and hence their choice will most likely be a one-storeyed house at an affordable price.
4. Advertising
Advertising your house will ensure it reaches the maximum number of potential buyers. A good listing will have more views than the average listing on any real estate website. This is why it is important to take your time when searching for an advertising agency that will spread the word in the most efficient way possible.
If you’re planning to sell your house or land, feel free to contact us at 01-4107251 / 9851204778.
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No of views: 3758
Published on 07, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya