One of the things we often overlook is the importance that bedroom holds in our lives. It is the holy place where all things, good and bad come to an end and allow us to start a brand new day with a clean slate. However, in order to ensure that you are taking full advantage of your bedroom, take these points into consideration:

1. Declutter

Clutter has a way of affecting us on a psychological level. Research has shown that living in an unorganized and messy environment can increase our stress levels. Hence, it is necessary to make sure your bedroom has no clutter in any corner.

2. Use Plain Colours

The bedroom must have a calming effect on the homeowner as it is the only place where he/she gets away from the stress of daily life. In an older post, we wrote about the use of colours in your house.

Click this to read the full article: A Basic Guide to Use of Colours in Your Home

3. Comfortable Mattress and Pillows

Some people prefer hard mattresses whereas some people prefer soft ones. Same goes for pillows and blankets. When it comes to sleeping, you should not compromise on any of these aspects as inturrupted sleep will get in the way of a healthy life.

4. Sitting Area

The bedroom must have a separate sitting area for times when you need to sit down and chat or have a cup of coffee. Doing so will ensure the cleanliness of your bed as well as prevent the mattress from getting torn.


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Published on 05, July 2017 by Nishant Acharya