There are many websites to choose from when listing your property online. Most of them give you a general idea on how to create an ad but that does not necessarily result in an effective listing. There are ads which include every irrelevant detail exploiting the word limit whereas there are some which do not even include the basic requirements.
We at eProperty Nepal have been following a specific format which is short, thorough and to-the-point. Here are some tips from our experience to write an effective listing:
1. Start with the Strongest Point
What is the selling point of your property which can make people look twice at the ad? People scroll through hundreds of properties which means you have a fragment of a second to create an impression. Maybe the location of your house is only 50 meters from Durbarmarg. Starting with a strong point immediately makes viewers to click for more details.
2. Keep it Short
While it is important to cover certain issues that MUST be disclosed to make sure you are not misleading the potential buyers, it is also necessary to keep the description short and organized. Avoid long paragraphs. The attention span of a general viewer is hardly a minute at best. Try to keep the description under 250 words. A serious buyer will call you regardless of the length of the paragraph if your property meets his/her needs.
3. Use Bullets
Reading bullets is easy on the eyes and an effective way of highlighting every detail that the potential buyer is interested to know. Most buyers have specific requirements such as - does this property have a good road access? Or does every floor have a bathroom?
As with many things, less is more when it comes to writing an effective listing. However, make sure your property has something that makes it stand out from the rest of the numerous listings. Please share this article if you found it helpful!
No of views: 2835
Published on 11, June 2017 by Nishant Acharya