Business of any kind requires customers for survival. They are the primary source of revenue and the core component of every organization's success.
Here are 5 easy ways to attract customers to your retail store:
1. Layout and cleanliness
One of the most crucial aspects of every store is how well it is managed. A potential customer would rather go to a store which looks welcoming and clean rather than a store which looks poorly managed. As cliche as it sounds, first impression really is the last impression.
2. Online Presence
A retail store does not necessarily need a website of its own but having an online presence makes a huge difference in getting customers. Running a Facebook page for your store does not cost anything except a little time which can be used to market your products by using attractive pictures of your product.
3. Politeness
It is human nature to be attracted to people who seem open and polite. Many retail store owners act as if they're doing the customer a favor by selling products to them. As a result, people get annoyed and try avoiding buying from them even if it's right next door. It does not take much effort to learn this skill and the best thing about being polite is that it's absolutely free.
4. Consistently Training Staff
It is a well known practice in Nepal to let the son/daughter of the storekeeper take charge when the owners are busy or away for any reason. Let's assume you goto a retail store and ask the 'new' staff to give you a biscuit. S/he looks around for a few minutes and has no idea where it is. You get annoyed and approach another store to fill in your needs. This is why owners must consistently train their staff regarding the details of each and every product along with their price to ensure your store is in good hands while you're away.
5. Reward Loyalty
Almost every store has a certain group of people who constantly visit it. You know them by their name and even share a few greetings in each encounter. Customers are more satisfied when they feel they are of value to your store. Reward their loyalty by occassionally providing discounts or holding an item at times of scarcity. Lets say Rohan buys two packets of milk from your store everyday. One day, a new customer comes to your store asking to buy every packet of milk that you have left. While it is wise to meet their needs, Rohan might feel betrayed if he finds out there isn't any milk left at your store for someone as loyal as him.
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No of views: 2624
Published on 21, March 2017 by Nishant Acharya