
Silo For Sale Rs. NA

Lalbandi, Lalbandi, Lalbandi, Sarlahi

  • Sale Price: NA
  • Monthly Sales: NA
  • Monthly Rent: NA
  • Monthly Profit: NA
  • Estimated Price Stock: NA
  • Lease Until: 2024/02/16
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Flat Bottom Bins
Bins made in galvanized and corrugated steel sheets, with outside galvanized stiffeners and with the following dimensions:
Model                                                                                                   1528/17
Diameter (m):                                                                                   15,28
Cylindrical height (m):                                                                    19,43
Overall height (m):                                                                          23,78
Roof Slope:                                                                                         30°
Net Volume (m³):                                                                            3.782,00
Capacity for Wheat with 750kg/m³ (Tn):                                                2.837,00
Capacity with 6% due to compactation (Tn):                       3.008,00

Chain conveyor length 150 ft
Shed structure 40x50 ft

MH Detail:-
Elevator Number 1 (Input)
Pre-Cleaner 20TPH
Elevator Number 2 (Pre-Cleaner to Weighing Tank)
Weighing Tank 30 Ton Capacity with Load Cell and weighing system.
Cyclone Dust collector 1 Set
Shed Structure

Additional Details

  • Location: Lalbandi, Lalbandi, Lalbandi, Sarlahi
  • Contact Number: 9801827507
  • No of Employees: NA
  • Owner Name: Contact Person
  • Posted on: 16 February 2024
  • No of Views : 2426

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